Annual Meeting 2025

Our Annual Meeting will be held on Saturday, April 5, 2025

Registration 10:00 a.m.

Business Meeting 11:00 a.m.

Animas School Auditorium

Animas, New Mexico

All Members Welcome!

*Columbus Electric Cooperative is once again chartering buses to provide transportation to and from Animas for our members in the Columbus and Deming areas to attend the Annual Meeting.

If you are interested in having this transporation service provided so you may attend our Annual Meeting, please notify us no later than Friday, March 28, 2025

For reservations or questions please call us at 1-800-950-2667

Each bus will hold 56 passengers; only those that have reserved seats will be allowed to board. The buses will depart promptly at 8:30 a.m. from Columbus Electric Cooperative office in Deming and from the American Legion Post in Columbus.



The Cooperative is required to notify each member of the following provision of the By-Laws.  The following passage regarding the nomination of Trustees is from page 6 of the By-Laws of Columbus Electric Cooperative, Inc.

ARTICLE IV, SECTION 4, Nominations.                


Any fifteen (15) or more members, in any one district, acting together may make nominations by petition for trustee of their district, and such petition shall be delivered to the Secretary of the Cooperative twenty-five (25) days prior to the annual meeting of the members.  Upon receipt of such nominating petition from any district, the Secretary shall immediately post said petition at the office of the cooperative, and such nomination shall be announced at the annual meeting prior to election of trustees.


Additional nominations for trustee for a particular district or for trustee-at-large may be made from the floor at the meeting of the members by any member from the same district.  Each member shall be entitled to nominate one candidate from his district.


When the trustee-at-large is to be elected, nominations may be made by members of any district in the same manner set forth in sub paragraphs (a) and (b) above.


The names of the nominees for trustees so made by petition shall be set forth in the notice of the annual or special meeting of the members at which trustees are to be elected, and the Secretary shall at such meeting list all nominations made by petition and from the floor.

If you have questions about your Voting District, the nominating process, or would like a copy of the By-laws, please contact the Co-op.